Before The Coffee Oasis started in Tacoma, it was a group of community advocates that brought the vision to Dave Frederick. They began to see and understand that there was nowhere for underage, unhoused youth to go. Mary Byrne is one of those volunteers who has been able to use her influence to make The Coffee Oasis a reality in Tacoma. She has rallied the community for larger events such as the annual Coffee & Corks and for intimate gatherings such as a recent informational meeting about expanding transitional housing opportunities in Tacoma. She is instrumental in bringing together community members to hear the stories of need and impact. 

For her, one story in particular stands out. “When we just opened the Serra House (the first Coffee Oasis youth shelter in Tacoma), I had a friend who was an employee at Forever 21. They had donated a bunch of socks, and I had picked them up and ran them up there. I pulled into the driveway and was unloading all the socks when a cadillac pulled up. I just stood at my car and waited. The back door opened and a little girl got out. The trunk opened and she got her stuff out, and then they drove off. I asked her who that was and she said it was her dad. She said, “he doesn’t want me anymore.” That crushed my heart. I think God put me standing there for a reason. I told her, “You’re at the right place, because we want you.” She was 14-years-old. You could never have told me that anyone could have ever done that to their child. That’s what set my conviction of doing what we’re doing.” For her, it’s the stories that inspire her to keep sharing the mission of The Coffee Oasis. 

Mary knows that people really do want to help, but they just need to be engaged. “We take for granted that people know who we are and what we do. We have to engage them and tell them.” She would encourage anyone who is interested in getting involved to just do it and take the jump. “When you see the true core of Coffee Oasis and the love of the Frederick family and all of the employees, you see it’s for the love of helping someone. It’s not just a job or trying to grow into a corporation. It’s a passion. I have such passion for Coffee Oasis for that exact reason.” 

Mary also knows it’s the little steps that add up to make a big difference. There are many instances she has gone out of her way to make moments special for youth. “When I get to go buy a 16-year-old her favorite candy and things for her birthday, it’s so easy to run to the store and I know I can make her feel special on her birthday.” We are so grateful for the impact Mary continues to make in her community and in the lives of vulnerable youth and young adults.

Interested in learning more about volunteering at The Coffee Oasis? Join us for our next Volunteer Orientation to learn more about current volunteer opportunities at The Coffee Oasis! Discover more about how you can use your skills to further the mission–restoring community through compassionate youth programs and coffee businesses–and help youth find safety, healing, and a home by volunteering.

Upcoming Volunteer Orientations

Written by: Caryn Wright