Diane began volunteering at The Coffee Oasis drop-in center three years ago. She has also served as a meal coordinator for her church–Kitsap House. She truly cares for the kids and has felt called to serve. She reflects back on the moment three young men expressed a desire to know the Lord and appreciates the messages of hope shared by the Port Orchard youth program manager. When asked what she’s learned from volunteering, she shared that, “Homelessness is not a choice. Too many youth just need a chance.” She would tell anyone who is interested in volunteering, “You will not regret it.”

We are so grateful for Diane and the impact she has made in the lives of youth at The Coffee Oasis!

Interested in learning more about volunteering at The Coffee Oasis? Join us for our next Volunteer Orientation to learn more about current volunteer opportunities at The Coffee Oasis! Discover more about how you can use your skills to further the mission–restoring community through compassionate youth programs and coffee businesses–and help youth find safety, healing, and a home by volunteering.

Upcoming Volunteer Orientations

Written by: Caryn Wright