Keegan* was an eccentric youth that didn’t seem to fit anywhere. He was shy, a bit awkward, and had impeccable hair. He began coming down to Friday Late Nights at the Oasis Center and stood at the fringe of all the games. One afternoon he came down in tears. He had told his parents he was gay, and because they felt this was one more rebellious act they couldn’t take, they were going to send him to live with his grandparents at the end of the school year.

After that, Keegan came to The Coffee Oasis each afternoon after school. He worked with his case manager to set goals, hoping he would be able to stay at home. One of his goals was to get a job, so he began our Barista Internship Program.

Keegan had a great smile. However, he was terrified of speaking with customers so he would hide behind the espresso machine. But when he created a leaf or heart on a latte he boldly showed it to the customer before putting a lid on. He even began taking customers’ orders and worked very hard to learn their names and drinks. When Keegan graduated, we celebrated with half a pound of brownies. His parents even came and ordered a drink from him!

A month later, Keegan did move to California to live with his grandparents. He stayed in touch with us and told us he applied for work at a coffee shop. At the interview, the manager asked the applicants to create latte art on the spot. Our shy Keegan had become a confident young man and made them three beautiful rosettas! He was hired! Keegan went on to attend community college. He said he enjoyed living with his grandparents and his relationship with his parents was improving. What a joy to be part of Keegan’s journey of healing and confidence!

*youth’s name changed to respect identity


Thank you for joining us in creating opportunities for homeless youth.