James gained employment and found belonging in a safe community through The Coffee Oasis Youth Development Program

James* has been visiting The Coffee Oasis drop-in center. He is currently experiencing homelessness and waiting to be accepted into a mental health-supported housing program. Initially, when he met with staff, he was angry, guarded, and reluctant to open himself up to other youth or staff. However, over the past few weeks, he has become more open and agreed to participate in case management and center activities.

Last week, James’ case manager connected him with a business owner who supports The Coffee Oasis youth participants by hiring them for day labor jobs. He was hired and has been able to work for the previous two weekends and has been offered a week-long job. When his case manager had a check-in meeting with the business owner, she was told that this young man has been doing a great job.

In addition to finding employment, James* volunteered at The Coffee Oasis annual Hit the Hay event and had a great time connecting with others who volunteered and attended the event. His attitude has shifted during his time at The Coffee Oasis. He told his case manager that while he knows not all of his problems are solved, as he is still waiting for housing, it helps knowing he has a place to go during the day and has found employment.

Gaining employment as a young person can be tough. Many youth are not equipped with the life skills and support needed to enter the workforce with confidence. Barriers such as underdeveloped social skills, criminal history, or lack of transportation often make it even more difficult.  They need education and work experience. Most of all they need opportunities to develop their skills and talents! 

The Coffee Oasis Youth Development Program offers youth and young adults (ages 16-25) the opportunity to develop their skills and talents through weekly job preparation classes, on-site barista training, and internships—in one of our cafes or with a local business. Friendly and caring Youth Development Workers offer youth help with building their resume, writing cover letters, pursuing education, and learning the skills they need to gain employment. 

Would you consider sponsoring a young person to receive job training through The Coffee Oasis Youth Development Program? $60 sponsors 1 job preparation course for 1 youth.

Sponsor Job Training for a Youth

Story Written by: Caryn Wright //  Date Written: September 13, 2023

*Name changed to protect privacy